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Houle's electrician performing infrared scanning work

The Importance of Electrical Preventative Maintenance

Electrical preventative maintenance is crucial for any building, whether commercial, residential, institutional, or industrial and infrastructure. It focuses on catching issues with your building’s electrical equipment and preventing unplanned outages and disruptive failures. From a property management perspective, this could mean the difference between a $500 fix and a $10,000 repair.

To establish an effective electrical preventative maintenance program, several key elements come into play, including annual electrical operating permits, annual infrared scanning, and electrical distribution maintenance. Let’s delve deeper into these essential components:

To ensure the safe operation, maintenance, and inspection of electrical equipment, Technical Safety BC or your local municipality mandates annual electrical operating permits for facilities working with such equipment.

Whether your building falls under the category of commercial, residential, industrial, or institutional, we can help you set up and apply for your annual electrical operating permit through Technical Safety BC or your local municipality.

Houle's electrician performing infrared scanning work

We use infrared cameras to identify deficiencies in electrical equipment through the detection of abnormal heating. This can help catch potential issues before they cause a system failure or outage.

Benefits of Infrared Scanning

  • Our scans are conducted by Red Seal Electricians and certified Thermographers.
  • We use top-of-the-line testing and personal protection equipment.
  • Our comprehensive problem analysis is presented in an easy-to-understand report that complies with insurance requirements.
  • By identifying and addressing potential problems early on, we help you avoid equipment failure and operational disruption.

Our electrical distribution maintenance includes the maintenance of switchgear and transformers that feed power from the electrical service provider to your building.

Maintenance is required every 42 months for dual radial switchgear and recommended for single high-voltage feed switchgear.

We can plan and complete shutdowns outside of working hours to reduce disruption to building occupants.

With our preventative maintenance solutions, you can avoid equipment failure and operational disruption, ensure safe and reliable electrical systems, and comply with insurance requirements.

Contact us today to discover how our preventative maintenance solutions can benefit your property!

Houle's electrician performing infrared scanning work